
Upload Data

1、Supported File Formats

SPSSAU currently supports the following file formats: Excel (including CSV, XLS, and XLSX), SPSS (SAV), Stata (DTA) and SAS (SAS7BDAT).

The upload limits are 10MB per file, 50,000 rows, and 1,024 columns.

SPSSAU also supports Text Analysis with input from pasted text, TXT files, or Excel files. Text data must be uploaded separately, adhering to the same upload limit of 10MB and 50,000 rows.

2、Upload Excel Data

When uploading Excel data, please note the following points:

First: Precautions

By default, the first sheet is recognized during upload, and the table must not contain 'merged cells', fully empty columns, or fully empty rows.

Second: The algorithm only recognizes numbers

Data uploaded must be in numeric format. For non-numeric data, SPSSAU processes it as follows:

Title Processing Approach
Entire column contains numbers No changes
Column contains both numbers and text Text is converted to null, numbers remain unchanged
Entire column contains text SPSSAU assigns 'data labels' in sequential order starting from 1

As shown in the figure, Title1, Title2, and Title5 are entirely numeric, so no changes. For Title3, which contains both text and numbers, the text is converted to null, while the numbers are retained. For Title4, which is entirely text, SPSSAU will automatically perform 'Data Recode' and 'Data Label', where 1 represents A, 2 represents B, and 3/4/5 represent C/D/E respectively.

Third:'Data Label'

When uploading data in formats like Sav, SPSSAU automatically parses 'data label'. For other formats (SAV/Stata/Excel), SPSSAU stores numeric data, and the meanings of these numbers can be identified and processed using 'Data Label'.

Additionally, if a 'data label' has been created within SPSSAU, the label information will be included when downloading the data. The downloaded file will contain two sheets: data and tags. Researchers can edit the tags sheet and re-upload it, and SPSSAU will still recognize the label information.

3、Upload Error Handling

If Excel files fail to upload, save the data in CSV or XLS/XLSX format and try again.

For other upload issues (e.g., upload failures or 504 errors), click to submit a request for customer support.

4、Survey Data

When using survey platforms like SurveyMonkey or Qualtrics, it is recommended to download the data in SAV format or as an Excel file with numeric values before uploading it to SPSSAU.

5、Data Privacy

Researchers can manage their uploaded data through 'My Data' or 'View Data', with options to download or delete files.

To delete uploaded data, click "My Data" -> "Delete".

For more information on data security and privacy, click to learn more.

6、Additional Notes

SPSSAU supports WYSIWYG uploads. However, specific Excel formats, such as scientific notation or parentheses for negative numbers, are treated as text when uploaded to SPSSAU.

For date data, SPSSAU only supports date parsing in Excel format. If data is uploaded in SPSS (SAV), Stata (DTA), or SAS (SAS7BDAT) formats, date fields will be converted to null. It is recommended to export the data as Excel before uploading.

SPSSAU supports two date formats by default: Year/Month/Day (e.g., 2021/1/1, 2021-1-1) and Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Second (e.g., 2021/1/1 00:00:00, 2021-1-1 00:00:00). As shown in the following figure:

In SPSSAU, date data can be uploaded as it is stored as numeric values and parsed into dates when used. Typically, date data is only used for operations like extracting the year, month, or day, or performing arithmetic calculations, which are rarely used in SPSSAU.